The Studienkolleg Darmstadt/Academic Bridging Courses offers a range of workshops and seminars, predominantly for international students and staff at Technische Universität Darmstadt, in its Key Qualifications section.
inTU – Inter-cultural orientation training
for (new) international students
Living and studying in Germany
Orientation training for international students
Studying in a multinational environment
Inter-cultural workshop for students at in the ISO buddy programme TU Darmstadt
Inter-cultural sensitisation
Workshop for German and international students
Sensitisation training
For student tutors
Working together successfully in an (international) team
Seminar für deutsche und international Studierende
Erfolgreich und mit Spaß im Ausland studieren
Inter-cultural workshop
Working in a multinational environment
interkultureller Workshop für Lehrende an der TU Darmstadt
Vor- und Nachbereitung eines Auslandaufenthaltes
Inter-cultural workshop for teaching staff at TU Darmstadt
There is a limited number of places. Please register as early as possible, no later than one week before the start of the course. You can register online on the " " page. registration
Course location
The workshops/seminars are all held at the Studienkolleg/Academic Bridging Courses of , Poststr. 5. You can find site maps Technischen Universität Darmstadt . here