Feststellungsprüfung T (suitability examination T)

The T course teaches German as a Foreign Language (DaF), Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Information Technology. The following examinations must be taken as part of the written Feststellungsprüfung: one examination in DaF, one examination in Mathematics and one further examination chosen from Physics, Chemistry and Information Technology. Any subject can be taken as an oral examination.

Special examinations

Vorgezogene Feststellungsprüfung (earliy suitability examination, VFSP)

If you are attending a T course during the first semester at the Studienkolleg, you can apply to be permitted to take the Feststellungsprüfung in one, more or all of the subjects in your course early. We will only allow you to take the examination if your performance to date indicates a good chance of success. The decision regarding permission to take the examination is made by the Head of the Studienkolleg in consultation with the responsible teachers.

If you pass the Vorgezogene Feststellungsprüfung in individual subjects, you do not have to participate in classes in these subjects in the second semester. The final marks achieved in the individual subjects are taken into account in the average mark for the Feststellungsprüfung.

The following applies if you wish to take the Feststellungsprüfung earlier in all subjects:

In the T course, the subjects tested in the written examination are:

  • German as a Foreign Language (DaF)
  • Mathematics
  • Physics or Chemistry or Information Technology

The oral examination (which takes place around two weeks after the written examinations) is always in German as a Foreign Language (DaF). Oral examinations must also be taken in the two subjects out of Physics, Chemistry and Information Technology which were not taken as a written examination. In other subjects, the examination committee can waive the oral examination if the corresponding written examination was passed with at least the mark “satisfactory (3)”. If applicable, the marks gained in the written and oral examinations count equally for the final mark in a subject.

If you do not pass all or some of the Vorgezogene Feststellungsprüfung, the examination or part of the examination is considered as if not taken (free attempt).

You can find more information in the examination regulations (opens in new tab) .

Externe Feststellungsprüfung (external suitability examination, eFSP)

Applicants for degree courses who wish to take a Feststellungsprüfung (FSP) without taking classes in the Studienkolleg can register for the external examination. Once you have passed the Feststellungsprüfung, you can study the degree courses permitted by your foreign qualifications and the Feststellungsprüfung passed at universities in Hessen (in general at any German university).


The Feststellungsprüfung is held twice a year (currently June/July and December/January). We at the Studienkolleg Darmstadt are available any time to provide you with general advice. At the Studienkolleg Darmstadt, we also offer counselling sessions at which you can obtain detailed information about examination requirements and types in the individual subjects from the responsible specialist teachers (examiners). Our specialist teachers can provide you with sample questions in all subjects. You may be able to submit practice questions by post or fax for correction.

Examination subjects for the Externe Feststellungsprüfung:
Once you have been approved for the external FSP, you will be informed in writing of the subjects in which you must take the examination. This depends on the subject you wish to study.

In the T course, the subjects tested in the written examination are:

  • German as a Foreign Language (DaF)
  • Mathematics
  • Physics or Chemistry or Information Technology

The oral examination (which takes place around two weeks after the written examinations) is always in German as a Foreign Language (DaF). Oral examinations must also be taken in two subjects, out of Physics, Chemistry and Information Technology, which were not taken as a written examination. In other subjects, the examination committee can waive the oral examination if the corresponding written examination was passed with a mark of at least “satisfactory (3)”. If applicable, the marks gained in the written and oral examinations count equally for the final mark in a subject.

If you fail the Externe Feststellungsprüfung, you can retake the entire test once, during the next examination period at the earliest. A fee of €100 must be paid for participation in the Externe Feststellungsprüfung before beginning the exam.

You can find more information in the examination regulations (opens in new tab) .

Supplementary examination (EP)

Please see "Supplementary Examination ".